Hello !

Me, My self, My Mind :) just be my self in here.If you like it or not, its up to you :) Just Enjoyed it yaww..

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Anything about... I don't know what's

Long time no see ;D Lama banget gue menghilang dari blog ini. haha.. padahal lagi liburan. okeoke.. untuk melepas kangen sekarang gue mau crita-crita deh..
Hmm... crita apa yaa.. mau nya crita apa?
okelah. pasti pengalaman gue. Liburan? Nothing special. I just stay at home for a long time, then 1 week before school I went to Bangka. Did you know that place? yes. That's the location to made Laskar Pelangi Movie :) Because there's nothing special in my holiday, I'm going to tell you about my MABIS. Do you know MABIS? MABIS is Masa Bimbingan Siswa. if you still don't know the meaning of that word, you can use uncle google. haha.. ;p
Boleh dibilang ini MABIS gue yang pertama. ya..ya..ya.. waktu msuk SMP juga udh MABIS sih, tapi ga di macem"min. cm diseruh dteng ke skolah, yaa kya pelajaran gtu deh. tp materi nya bukan bljar, perkenalan skolah. nahh.. jd ini the first nya gue disuruh" sm kk kelas -_- oke. Ini sangat melelahkan. yah meskipun ga disruh bawa yang aneh-aneh, tp ttp aja capeeeek. hmm.. gue lg males cerita tentang disuruh bawa-bawa apa aja. hehe.. lg ga mood. soalnya bnyaak boo..
Dan finnally ! my MABIS is END. sekarang gue resmi jadi kelas X :D bangga? engga juga sih. biasa aja. wkwk.. soalnya tantangannya malah lebih parah -_- tp ready lah buat semua itu ;p
rada burem -__-
oke. I think enough ya, because I'm going to tell you about another important article (ga penting jg sih :P hehe.. ) see yaa ~ Thanks for read ;)

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